32,539 research outputs found

    B\"acklund transformations in 2D dilaton gravity

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    We give a B\"acklund transformation connecting a generic 2D dilaton gravity theory to a generally covariant free field theory. This transformation provides an explicit canonical transformation relating both theories.Comment: LaTeX file, 7 page

    The Dirac particle on central backgrounds and the anti-de Sitter oscillator

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    It is shown that, for spherically symmetric static backgrounds, a simple reduced Dirac equation can be obtained by using the Cartesian tetrad gauge in Cartesian holonomic coordinates. This equation is manifestly covariant under rotations so that the spherical coordinates can be separated in terms of angular spinors like in special relativity, obtaining a pair of radial equations and a specific form of the radial scalar product. As an example, we analytically solve the anti-de Sitter oscillator giving the formula of the energy levels and the form of the corresponding eigenspinors.Comment: 16 pages, Late

    VVV Survey Microlensing Events in the Galactic Center Region

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    IndexaciĂłn: Scopus.We search for microlensing events in the highly reddened areas surrounding the Galactic center using the near-IR observations with the VISTA Variables in the VĂ­a LĂĄctea Survey (VVV). We report the discovery of 182 new microlensing events, based on observations acquired between 2010 and 2015. We present the color-magnitude diagrams of the microlensing sources for the VVV tiles b332, b333, and b334, which were independently analyzed, and show good qualitative agreement among themselves. We detect an excess of microlensing events in the central tile b333 in comparison with the other two tiles, suggesting that the microlensing optical depth keeps rising all the way to the Galactic center. We derive the Einstein radius crossing time for all of the observed events. The observed event timescales range from t E = 5 to 200 days. The resulting timescale distribution shows a mean timescale of days for the complete sample (N = 182 events), and days if restricted only for the red clump (RC) giant sources (N = 96 RC events). There are 20 long timescale events ( days) that suggest the presence of massive lenses (black holes) or disk-disk event. This work demonstrates that the VVV Survey is a powerful tool to detect intermediate/long timescale microlensing events in highly reddened areas, and it enables a number of future applications, from analyzing individual events to computing the statistics for the inner Galactic mass and kinematic distributions, in aid of future ground- and space-based experiments.http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/aa9b29/met

    Spurious finite-size instabilities in nuclear energy density functionals: spin channel

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    It has been recently shown, that some Skyrme functionals can lead to non-converging results in the calculation of some properties of atomic nuclei. A previous study has pointed out a possible link between these convergence problems and the appearance of finite-size instabilities in symmetric nuclear matter (SNM) around saturation density. We show that the finite-size instabilities not only affect the ground state properties of atomic nuclei, but they can also influence the calculations of vibrational excited states in finite nuclei. We perform systematic fully-self consistent Random Phase Approximation (RPA) calculations in spherical doubly-magic nuclei. We employ several Skyrme functionals and vary the isoscalar and isovector coupling constants of the time-odd term s⋅Δs\mathbf{s}\cdot \Delta \mathbf{s} . We determine critical values of these coupling constants beyond which the RPA calculations do not converge because RPA the stability matrix becomes non-positive.By comparing the RPA calculations of atomic nuclei with those performed for SNM we establish a correspondence between the critical densities in the infinite system and the critical coupling constants for which the RPA calculations do not converge. We find a quantitative stability criterion to detect finite-size instabilities related to the spin s⋅Δs\mathbf{s}\cdot \Delta \mathbf{s} term of a functional. This criterion could be easily implemented into the standard fitting protocols to fix the coupling constants of the Skyrme functional

    Extended Skyrme Equation of State in asymmetric nuclear matter

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    We present a new equation of state for infinite systems (symmetric, asymmetric and neutron matter) based on an extended Skyrme functional constrained by microscopic Brueckner-Bethe-Goldstone results. The resulting equation of state reproduces with very good accuracy the main features of microscopic calculations and it is compatible with recent measurements of two times Solar-mass neutron stars. We provide all necessary analytical expressions to facilitate a quick numerical implementation of quantities of astrophysical interest

    Electrically charged finite energy solutions of an SO(5)SO(5) and an SU(3)SU(3) Higgs-Chern-Simons--Yang-Mills-Higgs systems in 3+13+1 dimensions

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    We study spherically symmetric finite energy solutions of two Higgs-Chern-Simons--Yang-Mills-Higgs (HCS-YMH) models in 3+13+1 dimensions, one with gauge group SO(5)SO(5) and the other with SU(3)SU(3). The Chern-Simons (CS) densities are defined in terms of both the Yang-Mills (YM) and Higgs fields and the choice of the two gauge groups is made so they do not vanish. The solutions of the SO(5)SO(5) model carry only electric charge and zero magnetic charge, while the solutions of the SU(3)SU(3) model are dyons carrying both electric and magnetic charges like the Julia-Zee (JZ) dyon. Unlike the latter however, the electric charge in both models receives an important contribution from the CS dynamics. We pay special attention to the relation between the energies and charges of these solutions. In contrast with the electrically charged JZ dyon of the Yang-Mills-Higgs (YMH) system, whose mass is larger than that of the electrically neutral (magnetic monopole) solutions, the masses of the electrically charged solutions of our HCS-YMH models can be smaller than their electrically neutral counterparts in some parts of the parameter space. To establish this is the main task of this work, which is performed by constructing the HCS-YMH solutions numerically. In the case of the SU(3)SU(3) HCS-YMH, we have considered the question of angular momentum, and it turns out that it vanishes.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure
